KMFAP offered a donation to the Kogui – Wiwi indigenous community in northern Colombia
The Mozambican Bailiff of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP) offered a donation to the indigenous Kogui – Wiwi community in the mountains of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in northern Colombia. The offer to the indigenous community was in the context of payment, by Andy Deimos from Mexico, for an essay requested from Sir Luis Cruz by the Libre University of Barranquila for the LatinoAmericana magazine Cátedra Giordano Bruno, in a digitized annex, and you can also consult it here:

The editor of the magazine and faculty member Dr. Maria Hurtado delivered our donation together with the Renasce Cartagena Association. We offered toys for 56 children and several work tools that this community lacks. They hardly accept visits and below is the proof of delivery email, with attached photos. Kogui means “jaguar” in the Kogi language. Their culture has continued since the Pre-Columbian era and with the Spanish invasions many fled to the mountains as the Spaniards enslaved them and destroyed their culture.

This essay has a very sensitive theme and brings facts to light, while avoiding opinions, so that humanity can elevate its mind, enlighten itself and build a better future based on recent geopolitical history that culminated in the new world we know today.

I would like to mention that in Mozambique we continue to make monthly donations to the Casa da Alegria Orphanage and to the missionary Licinio, who support the homeless and do such a good job. These deliveries are already made directly by the companies and some private individuals to the institutions mentioned, in an operation system set up by KMFAP.
However, the donations received have decreased as Mozambique is experiencing a third wave of the pandemic that, besides the war in Cabo Delgado, has brought many casualties and severe repercussions on economic and social levels. Yours in St John,

Luís Cruz, KM
KMFAP Mozambique Bailiff

16th August 2021