Continuous humanitarian actions by the KMFAP Priory of North and Centre Slovakia
In order to help local fighting the coronavirus epidemic, on the 6th May 2020, the humanitarian actions of the Slovak knights continued at the Myjava City Hospital (Slovakia), organised by the Priory of North and Centre Slovakia of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP).
This donation – consisted of ventilators, disinfectants and sanitizers – was handed over in the presence of Dr. Pavol Halas, Director and Dr. Jaroslav Zongora, Deputy Director of the Hospital by the following knights: Sir Karol Schäfer, Sir Samuel Baláz, Sir Pavol Zachar and the Prior, Sir Ján Gramata, who is a real driving force of the extremely successful humanitarian work of the Order in Slovakia.

On the 11th May 2020, Sir Pavol Zachar, Sir Robert Jendrol and Mr. Timotej Jendrol – led by the Prior, Sir Ján Gramata – visited Trencin Faculty Hospital to present their donations to Dr. Timea Rebrova, Dr. Tomas Liptak and Zdenka Haviernikova. The donation contained protective gloves, protective face masks, disinfectants and other cleaning products that are very much needed amid pandemic, even though the Slovak Republic has far fewer infected citizens, less seriously ill people and fatalities, compared to other European countries. 

12th May 2020