Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 2-4 February 2021

The Air Rescue Team of FEMERAID International informs all our Knights and Dames about the followings:

We are now confronted with a sad reality that did not exist during the 1st and 2nd waves of the pandemic. Since the beginning of the analysis of COVID-19 cases, there has been a perception that children are immune to the consequences of the coronavirus, or at least experience only mild symptoms. However, the new variants have changed this situation. Medics report a frightening increase in the number of new-borns and children hospitalized due to COVID-19 infections, including the number of cases requiring intensive care treatment. Many countries are forced to close schools in an attempt to reduce the spread of new variants among young people. To aggravate the problem, most vaccines are not certified for people under the age of 16, so protecting the younger population is paramount until we get to better days.

New protocols will be given to frontline medical triage teams to screen for potential COVID-19 patients; they are advised to examine the patient’s oral cavities, hands and feet for ulcers, redness, swelling of the extremities and skin peeling. According to the latest study, around 45.7% of the COVID-19 patients experience the symptoms described above.
These are already called “The COVID’s Tongue or Feet”.

Stay safe and keep healthy!

5th February 2021